3 Facebook Business Page Features for Converting Friendly Facebook Group Stalkers


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With algorithm changes and decreased reach we often forget about our Facebook business page as a source for capturing leads. Many female entrepreneurs are on Instagram and Pinterest as a big source of traffic and brand visibility, and of course, leads.

We all need leads to grow a successful business and social media is the first line of defense for our marketing strategy.  It’s how potential clients learn about us, our lead magnets, or our service offerings. Many girl bosses turn to Facebook groups for getting clients. That’s right my friend, Facebook groups are not just a great resource to  to get support and advice as you grow, but to find and attract clients too.

I’m a huge lover of Facebook groups and a total superwoman when it comes to standing out and attracting clients. I often get asked how to attract clients in Facebook groups. I always have some pretty rockstar tips for success but here’s the thing… All you have to do is show up, share your journey, and support others. You’ll be really surprised by the power of those three S’s. Since many of us turn to other social platforms and networking in Facebook groups for lead generation, its easy to forget about your Facebook business page; especially when it’s a pay to play type of situation these days. 

What if I told you that you could be missing out on opportunities to connect with potential clients who internet stalk you from Facebook groups? Now before you say that’s creepy or that you don’t want people to internet stalk you, let me tell you something…. YOU DO!

Don’t tell me you haven’t done it! We’re all curiosity slaves and internet stalking is the result. Come on! You know you’ve done it. You’ve been in a Facebook group, saw someone’s pretty picture and thought, “Gee. I wonder what she does?”

You click on her profile picture, which takes you to her personal profile, and boom! You’re on her Facebook business page clicking around only to wind up on her website drooling over her branding and what she does. See. I told you. We’re all guilty.

Don’t you want someone to do that to you?

Internet stalk you all the way from a Facebook group you’re in to your website so they can drool over working with you?

Before you attract a single client in Facebook groups, you’ve got to have your Facebook business page looking fab and lead capture processes ready to rock and roll so that you can knock their socks off and get the leads rolling in.

Use the Call to Action Button Feature!

One of the biggest areas that get neglected when setting up a killer Facebook business page is setting up lead capture capabilities. Did you know that you could set up a lead capture button on your Facebook business page? Yes, girl. You read that right. Say what? Lead capture button on a Facebook business page?

Yes. It’s possible and easy to do.  You can lead your friendly new internet stalker right where you want them to be. You really want to make it easy for them to connect and book with you.

Make it easy for leads to contact you with a clear call to action button. Use your Dubsado contact form link or the direct link to your contact page to direct clients to be able to contact you right away. You can even embed a 17hats form on your Facebook page to get leads without visitors leaving your Facebook page. Woo hoo!

You can also use the link to your homepage or services page so that potential clients aka internet stalkers can fall in love with your service offerings. My favorite link to use is my home page because I’m spending a lot of focus on making sure the copy,  imagery, and calls to action convert.

Here’s a bonus. Automate your lead capture form so that clients automatically get an email from you a few minutes after they click send on the contact form. This allows your new potential client to get next steps from you within an hour.

Make it easy for leads to contact you with a clear call to action button. Use your Dubsado contact form link or the direct link to your contact page to direct clients to be able to contact you right away.

List Your Services!

List your services on your Facebook business page so that people who find you through Facebook groups can quickly and easily see what you offer. As people scroll through your Facebook business page, they will be able to see the first three services on the list so make sure you list your favorite money makers on the top.

Write a fun description of each service that’s easy to read so you can entertain the reader for each service offering. Facebook only allows you to have 200 characters for each service so you’ll have to be creative and to the point. Next, you’ll want to make those services look pretty! Make sure you create some pretty cover images for them too! It’s always a scroll stopper!

List your services on your Facebook business pa

Use the Story Section Feature

With Facebook’s new story section the options are endless. Trust me. You do not want to skip using the about section

This is your chance to tell people what you do, who you help, and share links to special offerings or lead magnets! You can add converting content similar to your website’s about page plus images, quotes, and links.

I’ve used the new capabilities to add testimonials and call to action links in my about section. Add backlinks to your services and about pages throughout the copy. You can also add a contact me link right at the bottom of the page if you want. It’s totally fab.

Take advantage of these features on your Facebook page so that anyone who finds you in a Facebook group can interact with your brand and fall in love with what you do!  Download my Facebook Branding Checklist in the free resource library below to make sure your Facebook business page has total wow-factor that totally converts. In this checklist I’ve included tons more cool things you can do to your Facebook business page so you’ve covered all the bases to help your Facebook business page convert. Get that checklist below, girl!

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Hey, I'm Krystal. Systems Strategist, encourager, and your new secret weapon to doing business better. 

I'm a sucker for after church naps, cozy vibes, and finding ways to do things easier. With 8 years in this systems thing, I know first hand how helpful systems can be when you build them on a strong foundation.  They can save you time, give you freedom, and make you money.

The only catch? Setting up systems takes time and energy you don't have right now. Good thing for you, it's what I do and I'd love to help.