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Schedule your 30-minute virtual project consultation so we can determine your project deliverables, timeline, and investment.  

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer consulting?

Yes! I offer consulting through my Workflow Audit & Planning experience. Instead of a 1-hour strategy session where there's a limited time to cover your concerns in detail, my audit and planning experience provides:

  • A detailed look at your workflow of choice
  • Testing across software systems for the workflow steps involved 
  • A one-on-one consulting calls with me to provide feedback and recommendations
  • A workflow plan with feedback and recommendations for improving your workflow, organization, and productivity
  • A support period to provide guidance as you begin implementing my recommendations

Click here to learn more about the Workflow Audit & Planning experience.

Do you offer custom projects?

I sure do! I offer custom projects of any size or duration based on your objectives through my Setup Intensives. I can help with things like: 

  • Tech Clean Up (Email inbox, CRM declutter, Calendar Time Blocking, Google Drive folder organization.)
  • Workflow Setup across software systems to help you streamline a task or use case. 
  • Software setup based on your desired workflow.
  • Or a mix of them all.

Meeting for a project consultation allows us to fully discuss your project goals and identify project deliverables. I'd love to chat. Click here to learn more about the Setup Intensives.

Are payment plans available?

Yes. Here's how payment works for each of my service offerings:

Business HQ Installation
Payment due in full at the time of booking.

Workflow Audit & Planning Intensive
50% due at the time of booking.
50% due 3 days after the project start date.

Setup Intensive
50% due at the time of booking.
50% due 3 days after the project start date.

Custom Projects
When the investment is less than $5000
  • 50% due at the time of booking.
  • 50% due 3 days before the project start date.

When the investment is more than $5000
  • $2500 non-refundable retaining due at the time of booking.
  • Equal monthly installments of the remaining balance based on the duration of the project.

Let's discuss the details during your project consultation. 

Can you speak at my live or virtual event?

Yes. My speaking fee starts at $500 for break-out sessions, live trainings, or pre-recorded trainings. The fee goes up from there based on the depth and nature of your needs. Click here to request a collaboration to get in touch with me about speaking at your event.

Can you do a guest training for my community or team?

Yes. My speaking fee starts at $500 for break-out sessions, live trainings, or pre-recorded trainings. The fee goes up from there based on the depth and nature of your needs. Click here to request a collaboration to get in touch with me about speaking at your event.

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Workflow Wednesdays

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